A substantial corner block in the heart of Nambour, 8 Court Road provides the perfect residential development opportunity.
Centrally located within Nambour’s town centre, the 7,571sqm block is just minutes from major connection roads.
There is currently a 3,479sqm warehouse on the property complete with lunchroom, offices, and amenities, however, the site also provides the perfect opportunity for redevelopment.
The property is currently tenanted by Mitre 10 on a month to month basis, with holding income until December 2021.

Ray White Commercial Noosa and Sunshine Coast North agents Tracey Ryan and David Brinkley are marketing the property which will be up for auction on Friday October 22 at 11am on site.
“Held by the same family since 1945, the auction of 8 Court Road, Nambour, represents a rare opportunity to secure a 7,571sqm site in the Nambour town centre,” Ms Ryan said.
“With house sales in Nambour moving up to $800,000 and above, the property presents an opportunity for a developer to secure the site and redevelop under a Medium Density Residential Zone.
“It would also suit an investor to purchase and source a new hardware or industrial type tenant.”
AUCTION: Onsite at 11am Friday 22 October 2021.